Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentine's Blah!

So, I don't know where I went wrong with the whole Valentine's Day thing? I am a huge sucker for lovie doves stuff and romance and all that things that come along with it. So, where did I go wrong in marring the least romantic man on the face of the earth?

I know for a fact that at one point in time he would romance me. That is how he won me over! But somewhere along the line that person died and this unromantic butt head appeared! Our plans for the most romantic holiday of the year? Well, we are starting off the day with a nice dirt bike ride for him and his father. They will awake before the baby and I and travel an hour away for a ride. Then, he will come home, exhausted maybe take a nap and watch some fishing, only to awake in time to get ready for a "boys night out". Yes, a boys night out! He and his friend Corey will be attending a nice dirt bike race. And yes ladies, this will all par take on the one holiday of the year that a woman should be swooned and adored and reminded of how much our husbands, boyfriends, lovers love us!

So, you ask what I will be doing during this wonderfully romantic day? I will care for our beautiful baby girl as I do everyday! Then I will drop her off at grandma's for a few hours as I go out with my friend Kimmie to dinner and a movie. After which I am sure I will not only be picking up my sleeping daughter from her grandma's, but also picking up my drunk husband from said romantic dirt bike race!

God, you just gotta love Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 2, 2009


Ok, so I haven't written about this cause I wanted to wait until it was true! For those of you who don't know I am a first time Mommy. And like all moms I am learning as I go as to what works and what doesn't! I breastfed my daughter from the time she was born until three weeks ago. I planned on the full year but my body just couldn't produce enough milk for her anymore and we stopped trying to make it happen. As you all know that first few weeks with a new baby is rough and you are so tired and you just do whatever it takes to get a few zzzz's in when you can. Well, I made the big mistake of letting little miss sleep in bed with us. Both out of comfort of knowing she was by my side at all times and out of total and complete laziness! Hailey was not only a beautiful baby girl but she was a hungry one! And up until recent she would wake two to three times a night to eat! So, it just made it easy for her to sleep with me in my bed when it came to the midnight feedings.

Well, at about eight months I figured it was time! I made her sleep in her own bed, yet I wasn't ready to move her across the hall just yet. So, for about a month we fought with her to get her to sleep alone. I put her crib in our room just inches away from my side of the bed. I would wake up two to three times a night still for feedings, boy was my little girl an eater! I tried everything to get her to sleep through the night! And mind you she was eating solids.

Finally at the beginning of 2009 I figured I was too sleep deprived and she needed to be able to sleep in her own bed in her own room. New Year's day we moved her "big girl" crib into her "big girl" room. The first few nights were just tears! Both she and I would cry until she finally gave in and fell asleep. But she was still waking two to three times a night to eat. Then one night we had people over and I closed her door so she could get some sleep. I decided to leave it closed until she woke for her first feeding of the night and went to bed myself. I woke in the morning at 8 am to sounds of her playing over the monitor. I my heart dropped when I realized that I slept through the whole night! Did I not hear my little one crying for me in the middle of the night? Was I the worst mommy on the face of the earth?

Wanting to see if it was a fluke I closed her door the next night as well. I thought for sure that she would wake in the middle of the night. I woke up five times that night to make sure that the monitor was still on. Finally 8 am came around and my little one woke in a happy mood. Now for three weeks she has been sleeping through the night with an occasional cry for a bottle here and there. But for the most part I am able to sleep at last! Thank god all mighty sleep at last! I later figured out that my dogs were going into her room at night and waking her up. So, the whole time the trick was to just close the door!