Friday, January 9, 2009

An attempt!

Ok, so I thought I would jump on the band wagon and attempt this whole blogging thing?!

Yesterday I took my 10 month old daughter to her first day of daycare. I have been lucky enough to work from home since she was born, but a chance to bring in a little more money brought me back to the office four hours one day a week. I know to all you working mothers out there I sound like a huge baby! I really do admire your strength to do whatever it takes to provide happy and loving homes to your children. But for me this four hours every Thursday was heartbreaking! I packed her up in the car and began to cry before I even left the driveway! I dried my tears and took her into the daycare, which thank goodness is run by a good friend of mine. I put on my brave face and then my little one clung to me as I tried to put her down. I fought back the tears! I talked to my friend for a few minutes trying to reassure myself that it was only going to be a few hours. I stood up to leave and had to run out the door so that no one would see me cry!

The whole way to work I cried my eyes out. Lucky for me I had given myself enough time to get to work and dry my eyes so that no one would see me being a blubbering mommy! I kept busy and avoided any talk about the first day of daycare. And before I knew it, it was time to clock out and go pick up my Monkey!

She had just woken up from a nap and was a little on the dazed side. Once she realized it was me she gave me one of her famous "big hugs" where she wraps her arms around me tight and grunts a little while squeezing me as hard as her little arms will squeeze! I felt like a proud momma just then. And then for the sitter to tell me that she was a well behaved little girl and she did just great made me feel like I have been doing my job as a mother very well!

We then came home, had some lunch and took a little nap on the couch together. Her showing me how much she missed me made the tears worth while!

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